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Common Faults And Treatment Methods Of Vertical Packaging Machines

Common Faults And Treatment Methods Of Vertical Packaging Machines

        The vertical packaging machine is mainly composed of a metering device, a transmission system, a horizontal sealing device, a vertical sealing device, a cutting device, a former, and a photoelectric monitoring system. This design mainly completes the design of the main components such as the overall machine, bag forming device, horizontal sealing device, vertical sealing device, transmission system, etc. The basic parameters of the main structure are designed and calculated, and the basic scheme is determined.


        Common faults and treatment methods of vertical packaging machines

        When the typing is unclear and there is no typing, production date:


        1. Check whether the word grains are neatly arranged and uneven.

        2. Check whether individual characters are tightened or fallen off.

        3. Check whether the ribbon is used repeatedly without ink.

        4. Check that the word grain and the ribbon are complex displacement, the upper and lower do not match, and the word grain is on the outside of the ribbon.

        5. Check whether the ribbon is rolled into a strip (remove all the oil that sticks to the round shaft due to the ink falling off the ribbon Ink. 

        6. There is no or insufficient air pressure, and it cannot reach the position.

        7. The ribbon has been used up, and the machine will stop automatically (see the position of the shutter at the proximity switch).

        8. Check the distance of each movement of the ribbon. If the distance is too close, the typing is not clear or there is no typing, and the distance is too far.

        9. The tension of the unwinding tension adjustment nut is moderate, if the ribbon is too tight, the ribbon cannot be pulled, and if it is too loose, it will often alarm and affect the speed.

        10. The adjustment of typing time (in the package touch screen) is not clear, so you can add less.

Common Faults And Treatment Methods Of Vertical Packaging Machines

        When the sealing is not up to standard and not sealed:

        Check the temperature

        (1) It can be gradually heated when it is not sealed.

        (2) Check whether the heating plate is in good condition.

        (3) Check whether the position of the front and rear tool holders is appropriate.

        (4) Check whether there are foreign objects in the front and rear knife holders, and clean them up.

        (5) Check whether the air pressure is normal.

        (6) Check whether the packaging film is folded.

        (7)Check whether the movement of the tool rest is smooth

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